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What Are Basic Worker Rights?

Basic Employee Rights

Career seekers and employees have various state and federal laws protecting them in the workplace. Basic worker rights are available to everyone in the U.S. These basic workplace rights are usually provided through employment and labor law. Basic job rights are also obtained through the right to form unions.

Beyond unions is what’s called “At Will” employment doctrine. Most of the U.S. is employment “At Will”, which means an employee can be terminated for any reason, good reason or no reason. This only applies if the reason is not due to some violation of discrimination laws protecting employees and job applicants.
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Your Boss Wants To Thank You!

Employers love it when career seekers and employees walk into the workplace like “deer in the headlights”. My research and experience shows over 90% of job applicants accept employment with little or NO knowledge of their Basic Employee Rights!

Many employers know this and count on it to maintain an unfair and illegal advantage. How much easier is it to violate an employee or job applicants rights when they are ignorant of those rights.

When employees are the victims of wrongful termination they often realize too late what should have been learned.
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Employers Will Label You a “Troublemaker”

Employers are being encouraged by HR professionals and employer rights attorneys to weed out “troublemakers” before they get hired. They reason that hiring employees that are truly “qualified” and are “good fits” for the company will not become a problem. It is proper and necessary for businesses and organizations to conduct proper job interviews and meaningful background and reference checks of all job applicants. However, the question every career seeker and employee must ask is how do you define “troublemaker”, “qualified” and “good fits”??
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Gender and Race Discrimination Merry Go Round

In yet another reality check about the American workplace Best Buy Co. has settled a race and gender lawsuit. Best Buy one of the largest electronics retailers in the country agreed to amend its human resource policies the suit claimed routinely discriminated against diversity and women.
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Beware The “Manipuvisor”!

The workplacebully "manipuvisor"Workplace bullies come in all shades and sizes. One of the most insidious aspects of job bullies reveal the type I call the “manipuvisor”. The marriage of manipulable supervisor and willing workplace bully. This type of bully at work is an individual specifically recruited and hired by an employer.

The main qualification for the position of “manipuvisor” is a willingness to be “pimped” and manipulated by upper management. The specific job duties involve being an “office tyrant” bullying and terrorizing the designated “target(s)”.
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