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Are job evaluation questions, answers used against you? Part 3

Picking up where I left off last month I’ll talk more about evaluation questions some managers hope we won’t ask. Most employees believe the performance review is about the boss having control and power versus the employee being controlled and powerless. Nothing could farther from the truth!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, NEVER assume the supervisor, manager or evaluator has been or is properly trained in conducting the evaluation! I’ve personally experienced and had many employees share their experiences concerning poorly conducted evaluations. It’s like a doctor’s visit and he/she walks in and gives their evaluation of our health with recommendations for improvement.
We tend to “accept” almost whatever our health care professionals tell us without much question. Why? Because we ASSUME they know what they are talking about! Unfortunately, as with any other profession these professionals are not infallible. We should be proactive in educating ourselves about our health care. We should likewise be proactive about our “workcare” ;0)
Seriously, being passive about our employers’ judgment of our work means we miss the opportunity to make them prove the evaluation is an accurate one. Therefore, let’s explore some more questions the employee should ask in the employee performance review.
Ms. manager, what are my strengths and weaknesses?
There may be a grand canyon difference of opinion in this area. I have found this question forces to the surface two things;

  • (1) the supervisor’s competence in evaluations


  • (2) the supervisor’s “good” or “bad” faith intent

These two points underscore the absolutely critical importance for the employee to learn all they can about their BASIC EMPLOYEE RIGHTS! and how the job evaluation process should be conducted.
What are my career choices with the company?
Based on previous performance this question usually forces the manager to clearly outline the career track for success on your part. He may be compelled to acknowledge your achievements that have led to greater career options (make sure to document, of course). It may reveal other positions in other areas of the company that may be a better fit for you than the position you currently hold. It also strengthens your position when you meet or exceed expected goals.
I always compare the results of my latest review with the positions on the job board in HR. You might be pleasantly surprised to see many more options there might for immediate advancement.
What about conducting performance reviews do you like the least?
This question can be a challenge for both the supervisor and you. I ask the supervisor this question for several reasons;

  • assessment of the supervisor’s honesty and frankness
  • measure of the supervisor’s competence in the performance
    review process 
  • greater insight into the supervisors mindset
  • may provide an advantage for future performance reviews
    career opportunities

what do you think it takes to make job evaluations more effective for you and me?
Any effective performance appraisal MUST have open and honest dialogue between manager and employee. The employees’ legitimate opinions and concerns should always be addressed and treated with respect. Likewise the manager or supervisor. I try to be objective about my own self-evaluation good and bad before the meeting. Being proactive in “our” performance review should provide clarification and understanding of exactly where we stand with the organization.


If when you ask this question you don’t get any of the aforementioned responses it may be a red flag about the success of the review.
Did my job performance exceed expectations this last evaluative period?
Again, honesty, respect and accuracy are qualities any organization should want in their management. Most employees will respect a supervisor that tells it like it is. Trust of the process is critical to the success of the process. An evaluation that clearly and accurately judges the employees work experience and provides constructive criticism and resources for improvement creates a healthy workplace.
Well, kids I don’t want to put you to sleep if I haven’t already ;0) Remember, some of these questions may make your manager of supervisor uncomfortable. So what? It’s your employment that’s at stake. We have every right to take ownership, accountability and responsibility of workplace experiences.
Here’s a bombshell (or is it) research shows MOST employee performance appraisals are conducted so badly employers would lose MOST of the lawsuits if filed!!

Next time we will look at the “dirty thirty” problems with job evaluations!

As always, “What matters to me…is to help my fellow employee!”

More blessings to come!


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